
Treatment: Weight Management

Guiding women through the changes they experience is what we do. FemStrong offers a 90-Day program for a happier and healthier you.

Weight Management with FemStrong Health

Welcome to FemStrong Health’s Weight Management Program. Whether you’re navigating life transitions like menopause or postpartum, or simply aiming for a healthier lifestyle, we offer a comprehensive approach to weight management that’s rooted in the latest scientific advancements and compassionate care.

Your Health, Your Choice: Tailored Weight Loss Solutions
We understand that one size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to weight management. That’s why we offer a range of options, GLP medication, including alternatives to GLP medications, to ensure that your treatment plan is as unique as you are.

FemStrong Fit: Standalone Weight Management Program

Program Components:

  • Initial Assessment: Conducted immediately upon enrollment to tailor a weight management strategy that aligns with your unique needs.
  • Bi-Weekly Follow-Up Sessions for the First Month: To monitor initial progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • Monthly Follow-Up Sessions for Months 2-6: To track your progress and provide ongoing lifestyle and nutritional counseling.
  • Medical Management: Utilizes cutting-edge medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro.
  • Final Assessment and Maintenance Plan: A concluding session to assess overall progress and outline a maintenance plan for long-term weight management.

Tailored Weight Loss Solutions: Beyond GLP Medications

We understand that one size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to weight management. That’s why we offer a range of options, including alternatives to GLP medications, to ensure that your treatment plan is as unique as you are.
Lipo-Trim SL: A Convenient Oral Spray

  • How to Use: Simple and quick—just six sprays or 1ml once a day.
  • Benefits: Converts fat into energy, helping you feel more active, may help you control those hard-to-ignore cravings, supports your immune system, keeping you resilient

Additional Support: Supplemental Injections

MICC (Weekly 1ml Injection)

This isn’t just a fat-burner; it’s also a mood enhancer. If you’re feeling low or down, MICC can help lift your spirits.

Lipo Mino Mix (Weekly 1ml Injection)

This is your comprehensive energy booster, packed with B vitamins and amino acids that help your body turn fat into energy.

Who Are These Options For?

If you’re on a low-calorie diet and find yourself low on energy or concerned about your immune health, these could be excellent options for you. They’re also ideal if you’ve tried GLP medications and found them unsuitable for any reason. One last reason might be financial as this option is substantially less costly than GLP medications.

Integrated Weight Management in the 90-Day Program

  • Lifestyle Modification: Small, sustainable changes in daily habits can significantly impact your weight and overall well-being.
  • Dietary Changes: Tailored advice from our registered dietitians.
  • Physical Fitness: A variety of exercise options, including an online platform with workout plans and videos.
  • Medical Management: Cutting-edge medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro

Specialty Integration

  • Mental Health: Our clinical psychologists offer evidence-based treatments to address emotional or psychological barriers to weight loss.
  • Nutrition: Nutritional assessments will be integrated into your weight management plan for a holistic approach.
  • Hormonal Balance: Hormonal assessments will be integrated into your weight management plan, especially crucial for menopausal women.

Our Commitment to Safety and Quality: AAAHC Accredited

In a world where healthcare options abound, making the right choice can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re proud to elevate your decision-making by being an accredited facility through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).

What Does Accreditation Mean For You?

  • Rigorous Oversight: Our practices and protocols have been meticulously vetted, ensuring that we meet and exceed nationally recognized standards.
  • Quality Assurance: Our AAAHC accreditation is your peace of mind, a guarantee that you’re receiving the best possible care in a safe and highly regulated environment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Our commitment to excellence is ongoing. We continually assess and improve our services to remain at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

Take the Next Step

Consult with your FemStrong Health provider to determine the best care plan for your weight management. Whether you’re part of our 90-Day Wellness Program or exploring standalone options, we’re here to help you thrive.

Weight Management Treatment Pricing Information

Our weight management treatments vary on a case-by-case basis. All FemStrong treatments are competitively priced to offer you the best value in NYC. We also provide package deals and flexible payment options to make wellness accessible for everyone. Please consult with your FemStrong provider for specific pricing details tailored to your needs.